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The advantages and performance of swing brake machine are introduced

  • By Admin
  • 2021 / 10 / 21
Hangzhou Is weihong Technology Co., LTD. Swing gate as an intelligent device for channel management, has been integrated with our daily life together, is widely used in the community, many property purchase swing gate, I think there are several reasons are the root cause of their choice;
Swing brake has many advantages, can not be described one by one; The following Hangzhou is weihong intelligent brake manufacturer xiaobian to elaborate on what makes the brake can be loved by residential property:
1. Swing brake machine is convenient and fast: read the card in and out, with a wave, with the authorized IC card, swing in front of the intelligent swing brake reader, you can complete swing brake release and charge record work, read the card without direction, read and write time is 0.1 seconds, really convenient and fast.
2, swing brake security and confidentiality: communication between IC card and IC card reader, using triple authentication technology to confirm each other, digital technology, key algorithm, authorized issuance, that is, IC card can only be used in this system, more secure.
3, swing brake reliability: IC card rf induction, stable and reliable, its own judgment and thinking ability.
4. Flexibility of swing brake: the system can flexibly set access control personnel permission, time control, validity of cardholder, blacklist report of loss, add cards and other functions.
5, swing brake swing brake multi-purpose: through authorization, the user card can be used for parking, attendance, access control, patrol, consumption and other "one card" management, easy to achieve a card multi-purpose.
6, the simplicity of swing brake: easy to install, simple wiring, software Chinese interface, easy to operate.